

Through our innovative affiliation with regional partners, Purple & Ashes Law has been able to brand itself as ‘the bridge’ to African markets.


Making decisions to enter international markets will likely present a number of concerns, such as selecting optimum markets for products and services, developing market entry strategies, regulatory compliance, licensing and approvals, food and drugs registrations, trademarks and patent registrations, customs requirements, legal and taxation structures, executing trade agreements, obtaining financing, navigating employment laws, among other considerations.

Purple & Ashes Law is highly equipped and committed to helping our Clients maximize cross-border business benefits and minimize the risks associated with cross-border expansions. We offer comprehensive guidance on export controls, regulatory compliance, economic sanctions, market entry challenges, and trade dispute resolution. Our team advises on trade pacts and the functioning of such agreements, aiding their business expansion into international markets while safeguarding their domestic presence.

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